EOS VeriLearn Project
Nov 28, 2021
Description in progress…
Géraldin Nanfack
Postdoctoral Researcher
My research interests include constraints in machine learning, interpretability and trustworthiness.
Śedrick Stassin,
Alexandre Englebert,
Gilles Peiffer,
Géraldin Nanfack,
Julien Albert,
Nassim Versbraegen,
Miriam Doh,
Nicolas Riche,
Benoît Frénay,
Christophe De Vleeschouwer
An Experimental Investigation into the Evaluation of Explainability Methods.
Under review in PAKDD.
Hendrik Blockeel,
Laurens Devos,
Benoît Frénay,
Géraldin Nanfack,
Siegfried Nijssen
Decision trees: From efficient prediction to responsible AI.
Under review in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, section Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
Géraldin Nanfack,
Paul Temple,
Benoît Frénay
Constraint Enforcement on Decision Trees: a Survey.
ACM Computing Surveys.
Géraldin Nanfack,
Paul Temple,
Benoît Frénay
Learning Customised Decision Trees for Domain-knowledge Constraints.
Under review in Pattern Recognition Journal.
Géraldin Nanfack,
Valentin Delchevalerie,
Benoît Frénay
Boundary-Based Fairness Constraints in Decision Trees and Random Forests.
Géraldin Nanfack,
Paul Temple,
Benoît Frénay
Global Explanations with Decision Rules: a Co-learning Approach.
Adrien Bibal,
Minh Viet Vu,
Géraldin Nanfack,
Benoît Frénay
Explaining t-SNE Embeddings Locally by Adapting LIME.
An example talk using Wowchemy’s Markdown slides feature.
Jun 1, 2030 1:00 PM — 3:00 PM
Wowchemy HQ