Publications | Geraldin Nanfack


(2024). Adversarial Attacks on the Interpretation of Neuron Activation Maximization. In AAAI 2024.

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(2023). Learning Customised Decision Trees for Domain-knowledge Constraints. Pattern Recognition.

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(2023). Decision trees: From efficient prediction to responsible AI. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, section Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

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(2023). Explaining through Transformer Input Sampling. In IEEE ICCV Workshops.

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(2022). Constraint Enforcement on Decision Trees: a Survey. ACM Computing Surveys.

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(2022). An Experimental Investigation into the Evaluation of Explainability Methods. AIMLAI workshop at ECML-PKDD.

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(2021). Boundary-Based Fairness Constraints in Decision Trees and Random Forests. In ESANN.

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(2020). Explaining t-SNE Embeddings Locally by Adapting LIME. In ESANN.

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(2018). Squeeze-SegNet: a new fast deep convolutional neural network for semantic segmentation. In ICMV.

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